Vitamin D and Shoes

The past two days have been fantastic - for the first time in months I have had NOTHING imperative to do for a whole 48 hours. So, what did I do/am I doing with my time? I slept. Hung out with my fantastic roommates. Made bad jokes. Composed and sang a song about making a fruit salad. Enjoyed the sun (a little vitamin D does the body good!) Went to a few BBQs. Watched the Boston fireworks from my neighborhood. Went on a short run with our cute foster dog in the scorching heat. And...I slept. 

Now, I can take a moment while sitting in my favorite neighborhood coffee shop (Fazenda) to reflect on the past few months as well as prep for what's to come. 

Although I've been in Boston a whole 10 months, I'm still meeting a ton of new people (there is a bit of irony in that statement, in retrospect, I guess 10 months isn't that long...) When new acquaintances ask me what I "do," I realize that it's such a loaded question. I always reply with "I'm a musician," but there's so much more to it than just throwing down some beats on my marimba (haha). Many people use the phrase "I wear many hats,"  when describing their lives. If you know me personally, you know that I actually do enjoy wearing funky hats. However, for this post I'd like to break down my multi-faceted life in the category of shoes...

1. Peep-toe Flats // Entrepreneurial Musicianship Program Manager at New England Conservatory. As I've described it before, this is my first "big girl job," and the reason I moved to Boston. It's an AMAZING gig, and I love working the the NEC students, as well as collaborating with such a smart, goofy team. It gives me the motivation and inspiration to continue working on my own projects, while allowing me to use my skills to educate and assist the talented musicians that graduate from the conservatory. A win/win, no doubt. However, the few times I've tried to wear heals for this 9-5 has proven a challenge, I'm running around all day!

2. Trendy Boots or Strap-y Sandals // Performer. I am really encouraged by the collaborations that have begun to form here in Boston. I've performed a few times with a local percussion group and on various student recitals, created a gigging duo with Jeremy, joined a brass quintet (for real!), played flute/marimba duos with Rachel, and feel that my name is getting out there slowly, but surely! I'm also thankful for some continued connections with Baltic Youth Philharmonic, Angela/Clone Duo (we played in Paris!), and Ensemble Evolution. The news of 2013 is that EE will be performing at PASIC in November! So exciting!!!

3. Intimidating pumps // Collage New Music General Manager. In the Spring, I interviewed and was offered the "part-time" job as the GM for a new music group in town that was founded by percussionist Frank Epstein 42 years ago! I'm really excited to work with the group, and learn more about running an established non-profit - budgeting, fundraising, marketing/new branding, logistics...woowee! As a 5'2" 28-year-old joining the team, I feel that a little height from a pump does me well when leading Board meetings :) 

3. Gym Shoes // Zumba Instructor.  My latest active endeavor was to become a certified Zumba teacher. It's no secret that I love to dance, love to teach, and don't have a problem acting a little foolish. Therefore, showing people how to shake their booties has come pretty naturally. I've been hosting classes every Friday at NEC for the staff and subbing at my local gym, Mike's Fitness. The class coordinator may be able to get me a weekly class in the fall, and I hope to plan a few activities for the NEC students! Having fun and staying fit is the best! 

4. Socks // Accompanist for Boston Ballet Adaptive Classes.  I love playing for the kiddos, and am so thankful for being a part of such a giving team. Plus, in the studios, it's socks only. So. comfy. 

5.  Blue Chucks // Educator.  My roommates and I are starting a teaching studio in our apartment! Ashe has made a great website, and I look forward to recruiting some students in the coming weeks. Wearing Chucks = kids think you're cool, and I need all the help I can get. 

5. Slippers  // Planner, Thinker, Collaborator, Entrepreneur. I'm still focused on my dream to make KĀDENCE Arts Space a reality. I'm also knee deep in some other projects with brilliant colleagues that will feed the New England music scene. This means that I do spend a significant amount of time emailing, researching, brainstorming, Skyping, etc....all in the comforts of my own home. 

Today, I'm sporting my flip-flops as I'll continue to soak up some sun! A huge shout out to everyone who has helped me keep my head above water the past few months. I know I'll continue to need you as I attempt to sift through this "career," no doubt!   

// A little SHOES throwback to make you giggle:  



Getting the gang back together

